First People performing a traditional ceremonial dance at a Welcome to Country at the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape in Portland
Land Injustice
May 16, 2024

What Yoorrook heard about land, sky and waters

The history of Europeans coming to Victoria 200 years ago and taking First Peoples’ land is a history of wrongdoing and loss. But it is also a story First Peoples’ resistance, survival and strength.
Land Injustice
Jan 23, 2024

The Story of the Day of Mourning on January 26

On January 26 1938, First Peoples activists held the nation’s first Day of Mourning to coincide with the 150th anniversary celebrations of the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove.
Land Injustice
Jan 5, 2024

My great-uncles went to war for Australia but returned homeless. It’s time to face the truth about Indigenous injustice

The Yoorrook Justice Commission will help Australians understand what happened when Europeans arrived and how it led to ongoing Indigenous suffering writes Commissioner Travis Lovett.

it is time to tell your truth

Make a submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission