Public Hearings: 25 March – 28 March 2024

The purpose of these hearings was to hear evidence from First Peoples, academics, researchers and historians on injustices against First Peoples related to land, sky and waters.

The land, sky and waters hearings began on 25 March with a ceremonial hearing on Gunditjmara country near Portland, where the colonisation of Victoria began. 

Daily hearing at the Collingwood hearing room then ran 26-28 March.

This was the first week of three weeks of hearings on this topic. 

Scroll down to view videos of the hearings, witness statements and evidence.


Hearing Videos

Featured image for “Land, sky and waters hearing, 28 March 2024”

March 28, 2024

5h 20m

Land, sky and waters hearing, 28 March 2024

Aunty Jill Gallagher
Aunty Vicki Couzens
Suzannah Henty
Featured image for “Land, sky and waters hearings, 27 March 2024”

March 27, 2024

6h 57m

Land, sky and waters hearings, 27 March 2024

Distinguished Professor Marcia Langton
Jim Berg
Professor Henry Reynolds
Uncle Robbie Thorpe (Djuran Bunjilinee)
Featured image for “Land, sky and waters hearing, 26 March 2024”

March 26, 2024

5h 12m

Land, sky and waters hearing, 26 March 2024

Associate Professor Katherine Ellinghaus
Dr Bill Pascoe
Emeritus Professor Richard Broome
Professor Julie Andrews
