Featured Stories

Truth Receiver Stephen Thorpe with Yoorrook colleague Chathuri Wickramasinghe at the NAIDOC flag raising at federation square

May 31, 2024

Get to know Truth Receiver Stephen Thorpe 

Yoorrook Truth Receiver Stephen Thorpe, who belongs to the Gunnai, Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Palawa nations, shares some insights about his journey to Yoorrook and why he’s passionate about truth telling.

May 16, 2024

Victorian Government responds to Yoorrook recommendations

The Victorian Government has accepted 28 of the recommendations made in Yoorrook for Justice in full or in principle.

Jan 23, 2024

The Story of the Day of Mourning on January 26

On January 26 1938, First Peoples activists held the nation’s first Day of Mourning to coincide with the 150th anniversary celebrations of the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove.

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Jun 12, 2023

3CR Community Radio ‘Doin Time’

Yoorrook Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter gave an update on the work of the Yoorrook Justice Commission on @3CR Community Radio’s ‘Doin Time’.
Jun 6, 2023

Cost of phone calls in prison

‘The Yoorrook Justice Commission, Victoria’s Indigenous truth-telling inquiry, has heard evidence the high prison call costs disproportionately impact First Nations people, who are over-represented in the justice system.

Videos Topics

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Watch what Yoorrook has heard about systemic injustice experienced by First Peoples in Victoria in relation to health, education, housing and economic life.
In yarns & submissions, First Peoples are telling Yoorrook about the importance of land, sky & water and the impact of colonisation. Hear what they have to say.
How do First Peoples students experience the Victorian education system and how could it be improved? Yoorrook is looking into the barriers First Peoples face in accessing all levels of education, as well as the racism many still endure within the system. Now is the time to have your say by making a submission.
Yoorrook’s Truth Receivers assist First Peoples community members to share their truths with the Commission.

Media releases

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May 24, 2024

Yoorrook congratulates CEO Hugh de Kretser on his appointment as President of the Australian Human Rights Commission

The Yoorrook Justice Commission extends its heartfelt congratulations to CEO Hugh de Kretser who has been newly appointed as the…
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May 22, 2024

Yoorrook to commence hearings into health, education, housing and economic life

Victoria’s truth telling process, the Yoorrook Justice Commission, will begin its seventh round of public hearings on Monday.…
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April 11, 2024

Yoorrook to hear from the Premier, Ministers, Traditional Owners and churches at land injustice hearings  

On Monday the Yoorrook Justice Commission will resume hearings into the systemic injustices experienced by First Peoples in relation to…
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