
Yoorrook is required to investigate and report on injustice against First Peoples. Our mandate uses a broad and inclusive definition of First Peoples which includes the Traditional Owners of a place in Victoria, including family and clan groups, and their ancestors. It also includes all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria or who previously lived in Victoria.

Native title and heritage laws have specific legal processes to recognise Traditional Owner groups. Yoorrook acknowledges the creation of these processes are part of the impact of colonisation.

Yoorrook is committed to being inclusive and to the promotion of self-determination. The use by Yoorrook of a particular name or word is not an endorsement of a particular view. Yoorrook’s mandate states that it cannot inquire into or report on decisions or outcomes in relation to native title or heritage laws. Yoorrook extends deep respect to all Traditional Owners.