Why are land, sky and waters important?

James Eastoe-Collins

In yarns and submissions, First Peoples are telling Yoorrook about the importance of land, sky & water and the impact of colonisation.

Cultural heritage at Cape Conran

James Eastoe-Collins

Cape Conran beach, the ocean is blue on the right surrounded by a rocky-sandy beach with that leads into a lush green forest

Watch Sam Pender and Commissioner Travis Lovett talk about the significance of Cape Conran and the impact of ignoring cultural heritage.

Your submission to Yoorrook is important

James Eastoe-Collins

Watch Shayne talk about the importance of making your truth telling submission to Yoorrook and how Truth Receivers like him can help.

Get to know Truth Receiver Stephen Thorpe

James Eastoe-Collins

I am Stephen Thorpe and belong to the Gunnai, Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Palawa nations. I was born in Naarm (AKA Melbourne) on Wurundjeri land.

Yoorrook for Justice: Report into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems

James Eastoe-Collins

Following a 12-month inquiry, the ‘Yoorrook for Justice: Report into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems’ details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy failures that have, and continue to, cause harm to First Peoples. The report and a full list of recommendations can be found here: www.yoorrookforjustice.org.au