Public Hearings

Public Hearings: 27 May – 31 May 2024

The purpose of these public hearings was to gather evidence from Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, academics and the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria about systemic social injustice against First Peoples in Victoria.


Aunty Jill Gallagher
Lisa Briggs
Michael Graham
Nerita Waight
Ngarra Murray
Professor Raymond Lovett
Rueben Berg
Sheree Lowe
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Close up hands performing a smoking ceremony at a Welcome to Country.

Date: 27 May - 31 May

Topic: Education

Topic: Health

Topic: Housing

Public Hearings: 25 March – 28 March 2024

The purpose of these public hearings was to hear evidence from First Peoples, academics, descendants of colonisers, researchers and historians on injustices against First Peoples related to land, sky and waters.


Associate Professor Katherine Ellinghaus
Aunty Donna Wright
Aunty Jill Gallagher
Aunty Vicki Couzens
Distinguished Professor Marcia Langton
Dr Bill Pascoe
Emeritus Professor Richard Broome
Jim Berg
Professor Henry Reynolds
Professor Julie Andrews
Suzannah Henty
Uncle Michael (Mookeye) Bell
Uncle Robbie Thorpe (Djuran Bunjilinee)
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Braydon Saunders, a Gunditjmara tour guide, gives Commissioners a tour of Lake Condah

Date: 25 March - 28 March 2024

Topic: Land Injustice

Public Hearings: 5 to 9 December 2022

The purpose of these public hearings were to hear from Aboriginal leaders working in child protection as part of Yoorrook’s inquiry into the harm done to First Peoples by unjust laws and practices within this system.


Aaron Wallace
Ashley Morris
Aunty Charmaine Clarke
Aunty Eva Jo Edwards
Aunty Glenys Watts
Aunty Hazel Hudson
Aunty Jill Gallagher
Aunty Muriel Bamblett
Aunty Rieo Ellis
Commissioner Meena Singh
Dr Jacynta Krakouer
Felicia Dean
Ian Hamm
Karinda Taylor
Kimberley Do
Lisa Thorpe
Magistrate Kay Macpherson
Shellee Strickland
Stacey Brown
Tracey Dillon
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Date: 5-9 December 2022

Topic: Child protection system