Public Hearings

Public Hearings: 17 June – 21 June 2024

The purpose of these hearings was to gather evidence from the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for the Pervention of Family Violence, Minister for Health, and senior health bureaucrats.


Dr Clare Looker
Dr Melanie Heenan
Jodie Geissler
Katherine Whetton
Professor Euan Wallace
The Hon. Ingrid Stitt MP
The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP
The Hon. Vicki Ward MP
View Evidence

Date: 17 June – 21 June

Topic: Education

Topic: Health

Topic: Housing

Public Hearings: 27 April – 15 May 2023

The purpose of these public hearings was for the Yoorrook Justice Commission to question Victorian government ministers, senior bureaucrats and the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police about the administration of the child protection and criminal justice systems.


Adam Reilly
Andrea Davidson
Argiri Alisandratos
Chief Commissioner Shane Patton
Commissioner Meena Singh
Dr Tamar Hopkins
Eleanor Williams
Joshua Smith
Kate Houghton
Katherine Whetton
Larissa Strong
Marian Chapman
Raylene Harradine
Ryan Phillips
The Hon. Anthony Carbines MP
The Hon. Enver Erdogan MP
The Hon. Jaclyn Symes MLC
The Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn MP
View Evidence

Date: 27 April - 15 May 2023

Topic: Child protection system

Topic: Criminal justice system