The true path forward starts here
About Yoorrook
The Yoorrook Justice Commission is the first formal truth-telling process into historical and ongoing injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria.
Yoorrook was set up by agreement between the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and the Victorian Government, but operates independently of both.
Yoorrook delivered an interim report in June 2022, a critical issues report in August 2023, and will deliver final reports in 2025.
Yoorrook is led by five Commissioners, of whom 4 are Aboriginal and 3 are Victorian First Peoples. The Commissioners bring a vast range of knowledge and experience about First Peoples’ knowledge, systemic disadvantage, land rights, history, law, trauma and healing.
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Areas of work

Yoorrook's Truth Receivers assisted First Peoples community members to share their truths with the Commission.

Listen and learn from submissions received by the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Read reports and recommendations of the Yoorrook Justice Commission.
News and Stories
Discover the latest updates on Yoorrook's work, inspiring stories of strength and resistance from First Peoples, insightful opinion pieces from Commissioners, and engaging videos about truth-telling and history

Cummeragunja walk-off

What is Yoorrook up to in 2025?

1965 Freedom Ride

Passing of the Constitution

The Immigration Restriction Act

A powerful year for Truth and Treaty