Ngarra Murray on the importance of cultural heritage

Dignity for our ancestors

The birth of colonisation

Featured Video Stories

The Yoorrook Justice Commission has a mandate to investigate all systemic injustice against First Peoples dating back to the beginning of colonisation. In September Yoorrook released its second interim report.

Joseph is a Truth Receiver with the Yoorrook Justice Commission – Victoria’s truth-telling inquiry. He helps Community to make submissions to Yoorrook.

Video Topics

Aunty Jill Gallagher and Sheree Lowe discuss the health system in the Yoorrook hearing room.

Social Justice Videos

Watch what Yoorrook has heard about systemic injustice experienced by First Peoples in Victoria in relation to health, education, housing and economic life.

Land Injustice videos

In yarns & submissions, First Peoples are telling Yoorrook about the importance of land, sky & water and the impact of colonisation. Hear what they have to say.
Jedah wearing Aboriginal Body Art outdoors infront of a fire put while discussing how the Victorian education system be improved for First Peoples

Education videos

How do First Peoples students experience the Victorian education system and how could it be improved? Yoorrook is looking into the barriers First Peoples face in accessing all levels of education, as well as the racism many still endure within the system. Now is the time to have your say by making a submission.

Meet the Truth Receivers

Yoorrook’s Truth Receivers assist First Peoples community members to share their truths with the Commission.
Yoorrook For Justice: Report into Victorias child protection and criminal justice systems

Yoorrook for Justice

The Yoorrook for Justice report is the culmination of Yoorrook’s year-long inquiry into Victoria’s child protection and criminal justice systems.

Yoorrook Events

The Yoorrook NAIDOC events included an Elders Panel that featured Yoorrook Chair Aunty Eleanor Bourke and Uncle Kevin Coombs.

Victoria Police Hearing Shorts

Yoorrook recently completed a month of public hearings during which Commissioners questioned government ministers and senior bureaucrats about injustices against First Peoples in the criminal justice and child protection systems.

Government and Departmental Hearings Shorts

Yoorrook recently completed a month of public hearings during which Commissioners questioned government ministers and senior bureaucrats about injustices against First Peoples in the criminal justice and child protection systems.

Making a submission

All First Peoples who have experienced injustice in Victoria are strongly encouraged to make a submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission.