Submission – Victorian Aboriginal Children and Young People’s Alliance

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The Victorian Aboriginal Children and Young People’s Alliance consists of 15 Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations that provide out of home care, child, youth and family services. The Alliance’s purpose is to be the collective voice of Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations working together to empower Aboriginal children, young people, and families.

This submission examines and makes reccomendations relating to: First Peoples’ self-determination in design, decision-making and implementation of law, policies and programs affecting First Peoples children and families; compliance with legislation and policy, including human rights considerations and the application of the Children, Youth and Families Act; The adequacy of programs and funding to support prevention and early intervention; Workforce issues in the child protection system including turnover, training, and qualifications; and the adequacy of support services provided to First Peoples children and families engaged with the system and post ‘care’.