Submissions Library

Please be aware that some of the content on this page contains potentially offensive or controversial material. If you are affected by the content and would like support, please contact 13 YARN on 13 92 76 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Yoorrook reserves the right not to publish all or part of a submission if it considers it inappropriate to do so. By publishing a submission, Yoorrook expresses no opinion about the content or accuracy of the submission or material referred to in the submission. Submissions are not published where the person making the submission has asked that it be kept confidential.


Submission – Sherry Balcombe

Aunty Sherry Balcombe is a Ocala and Muluridji woman of the Gunjan and Djabugay nations.

In this submission, Aunty Sherry Balcombe reflects on how lucky she was to be educated and have great community support. She expresses her desire to give back to the Aboriginal community and her hopes for change for Aboriginal children to reduce the number who are institutionalised or end up in jail.

Size: 61.22 KB
Date: 14 June 2024

Submission – Suzanne Nelson

This submission provides some points from the life of Suzanne Nelson, including the impact of being removed as a child and placed in a home. The submission talks about the importance of culture and sense of humour and the spirit that intertwines.


Size: 535.81 KB
Date: 3 June 2024

Submission – Patricia Hayes

Patricia Hayes is a Bidwell woman.

This submission details Patricia’s experience growing up after she was taken away from her mum at the age of eight weeks old, and lived in 36 different homes. The submission speaks to the abuse Patricia experienced in the homes. It also details Patricia’s experience meeting her mother for the first time at the age of eight. Patricia thinks that the cycle of Aboriginal children been taken away and placed into state award needs to stop.

Size: 64.13 KB
Date: 20 May 2024

Submission – Jason Stewart

This submission provides historical “Previous History of -” documentation.

Size: 14.66 MB
Date: 10 May 2024

Submission – Wilfred Carter – Transcript

Wilfred Carter (Willow) is a Gunaikurnai and Wotjobaluk man.

This submission is a transcript of Willow discussing his upbringing at Lake Tyers Mission. It outlines the difficulties and trauma Willow experienced growing up as an Aboriginal man in the 1960s, including a loss of language and culture.

Submission – Anonymous 451

This submission is from a proud Palawa woman. In this submission, she reflects on her parents’ upbringing and intergenerational trauma, the forced removal of her son and his subsequent suicide, her experience at the Coroner’s Court, the importance of culture, and her hopes for the Aboriginal community.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Size: 152.32 KB
Date: 11 April 2024

Submission – Anonymous 534

This submission details a family’s experience of failures and injustice within the child protection system.

Size: 385.14 KB
Date: 11 April 2024

Submission – Lily Woodward

Lily Woodward’s submisison describes the abuse and challenges she faced as a child in the child protection system and her subsequent experiences of having her own children removed.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Size: 185.49 KB
Date: 9 April 2024

Submission – Anita Mobourne

Anita Mobourne is a Wamba Wamba, Yorta Yorta, and Gunditjmara and Wotjobaluk woman.

This submission is a transcript of Anita talking about her family’s experiences, her working life and the importance of connection, culture and identity.

Submission – Thomas Marks

Thomas Marks is a Wotjobaluk/Gunaikurnai man.

In this video submission, originally produced for the Disability Royal Commission, Thomas describes the lifelong impact of being part of the Stolen Generations.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.