Have your say

Tell your truth by making a submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Being heard is the first step towards justice and transformation.

Ways you can share your truth


Submissions are records of truth. They are the main way you can share the truth about injustice against First Peoples in Victoria.

Learn how to make a submission by clicking the button below.


Hearings are formal events where Commissioners hear evidence from witnesses.

Witnesses at hearings are First Peoples invited to tell their truth or representatives of the government or other institutions and organisations who are legally required to appear before the Commission.

Watch recordings of hearings or learn more about past hearings by clicking the buttons below. 

Issues papers

Issues papers are documents written about a particular topic or thematic area. People and organisations are asked to submit feedback or truth telling in response to what is in the issues paper. 

Truth-telling forums

Truth-telling forums are less formal opportunities to tell your truth. They may be events such as a yarning circles or workshops, round tables, cultural site or community visits.

We will advertise these events on the website when they are scheduled.