Yoorrook Justice Commission Chair Professor Eleanor Bourke AM has thanked all those who shared their truths as part of this historic First Peoples-led truth-telling process, the first of its kind in Australia.
“White kids didn’t like me simply because I was black.”
Aunty Nellie Flagg shares with Commissioners firsthand experiences of racism at school.
Ngarra Murray on the importance of cultural heritage
“I think that is something we can all share and celebrate – our culture and languages.”
Dignity for our ancestors
At Yoorrook’s land, sky and waters hearing, Distinguished Professor Marcia Langton discussed the disturbing trade in the remains of First Peoples and the ongoing challenges this practice created to identifying, repatriating and treating deceased people with the dignity and respect they deserve.
The birth of colonisation
In 1834, the Henty’s took Gunditjmara land to establish the first permanent colonial settlement in Victoria
The Wright family continue their mother’s fight for justice by giving evidence to the Yoorrook Justice Commission
“When our grandmother came home, she said her house was burnt down and she didn’t know where her children were.” Sisters Aunty Donna and Aunty Tina Wright, and Aunty Joanne Farrant, with support from their brother Sonny Wright, shared their family’s truth with the Yoorrook Justice Commission in an on-Country hearing. Their evidence was played at a Yoorrook hearing investigating … Read More