Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police speaks about independent police oversight

James Eastoe-Collins

“Police investigating police especially in areas of Aboriginality – I don’t see how we will ever be able to gain the confidence of the Aboriginal community and the faith in the system” Listen to Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Shane Patton APM discuss what has led him to move positions on independent police oversight at a hearing of the Yoorrook … Read More

Yoorrook hears about increasing number of First Peoples on remand

James Eastoe-Collins

In the year ending 2022, 89% of First Peoples in prison in Victoria were on remand, meaning they in custody but unsentenced. Yoorrook heard that many of those on remand may not have received a custodial sentence if found guilty. Most were refused bail due to changes to Victorian bail laws in 2018, which meant repeat non-violent offenders had to … Read More

The Wright family continue their mother’s fight for justice by giving evidence to the Yoorrook Justice Commission

James Eastoe-Collins

“When our grandmother came home, she said her house was burnt down and she didn’t know where her children were.” Sisters Aunty Donna and Aunty Tina Wright, and Aunty Joanne Farrant, with support from their brother Sonny Wright, shared their family’s truth with the Yoorrook Justice Commission in an on-Country hearing. Their evidence was played at a Yoorrook hearing investigating … Read More

Yoorrook Commissioner Hunter responds to the Minister for Child Protection and Family Services

James Eastoe-Collins

Responding to an apology from Victoria’s Minister for Child Protection and Family Services, The Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn MLC in which she acknowledged the impact of child removals, Yoorrook Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter said: “Our children should be able to grow up healthy, happy, strong, connected, knowing their culture and who they are in themselves. But for thousands of our children involved … Read More

How we can support you

James Eastoe-Collins

Yoorrook has free and confidential social and emotional wellbeing and legal supports available for you. Speaking to Yoorrook about your experiences can sometimes feel too much. While some people get by really well and have strong support networks already, Yoorrook recognises this isn’t the case for everyone. Free, confidential and safe social and emotional wellbeing support is available to people … Read More

How to make a submission

James Eastoe-Collins

Yoorrook, Victoria’s truth telling Commission, invites First Peoples to tell us about your experiences of injustice. You can share the truth about any injustice you like by making a submission. For example truths about: your local area your family’s experiences experiences of racism, forced removal from home and land, massacres, forced labour, cultural loss, intergenerational trauma, economic disadvantage and stolen … Read More