Public Hearings

Public Hearings: 13 June – 14 June 2024

The purpose of these hearings was to gather evidence from the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Secretary of the Department of jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, and Public Sector Commissioner and First Peoples experts in mental health and family violence.


Associate Professor Graham Gee
Aunty Nellie Flagg
Commissioner Brigid Monagle
The Hon. Ben Carroll MP
Tim Ada
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
View Evidence

Date: 13 June – 14 June

Topic: Education

Topic: Health

Topic: Housing

Public Hearings: 12 to 16 December 2022

The purpose of these public hearings was to hear from Aboriginal leaders working in the area of criminal justice as part of Yoorrook’s inquiry into the harm done to First Peoples by unjust laws and practices within this system.


Alan Thorpe
Antoinette Braybrook
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson
Aunty Vickie Roach
Coree Thorpe
Dr Eddie Cubillo
Dr Mick Creati
Human Rights Law Centre
Karin Williams
Nakia Firebrace
Peter Hood
Prof Stuart Kinner
Shaun Braybrook
Stan Winford
Tessa Theocharous
Victoria Legal Aid
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
View Evidence

Date: 12-16 December 2022

Topic: Criminal justice system