Public Hearings: 15 April – 18 April 2024

The purpose of these hearings was to hear from Traditional Owners, the Co-Chairs of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, the Minister for the Environment, the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, the Victorian Surveyor General and academics on injustices against First Peoples related to land, sky and waters.

Hearings were held daily at the Collingwood hearing room from 15-18 April. This was the second week of four weeks of hearings on this topic.

Scroll down to view videos of the hearings, witness statements and evidence.


Hearing Videos

Featured image for “Land, Sky & Waters Hearings, 18 April 2024”

April 18, 2024

6h 05m

Land, Sky & Waters Hearings, 18 April 2024

The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP
Featured image for “Land, Sky & Waters Hearings, 17 April 2024”

April 17, 2024

7h 17m

Land, Sky & Waters Hearings, 17 April 2024

Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations
Ngarra Murray
Rueben Berg
Featured image for “Land, Sky & Waters Hearings, 16 April 2024”

April 16, 2024

6h 23m

Land, Sky & Waters Hearings, 16 April 2024

First Nations Legal and Research Services
The Hon. Steve Dimopoulos MP
Featured image for “Land, sky and waters hearing, 15 April 2024”

April 16, 2024

5h 53m

Land, sky and waters hearing, 15 April 2024

Aunty Marjorie Thorpe
Craig Sandy
Dr Erin O’Donnell
Dr Julia Hurst
Dr Katie O’Bryan
Karen Jackson
Uncle Graham Atkinson
