Public Hearings: 17 June – 21 June 2024

The purpose of these hearings was to gather evidence from the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for the Pervention of Family Violence, Minister for Health, and senior health bureaucrats.

This was the fourth of five weeks of hearings on health, housing, education and economic justice.

Scroll down to view videos of the hearings, witness statements and evidence.


Hearing Videos

Featured image for “Social Justice Hearings, 21 June”

June 21, 2024

3h 32m

Social Justice Hearings, 21 June

The Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP
Featured image for “Social Justice Hearings, 20 June”

June 20, 2024

3h 29m

Social Justice Hearings, 20 June

Dr Melanie Heenan
The Hon. Vicki Ward MP
Featured image for “Social Justice Hearings, 17 June”

June 17, 2024

7h 38m

Social Justice Hearings, 17 June

Jodie Geissler
Katherine Whetton
Professor Euan Wallace
The Hon. Ingrid Stitt MP
Zoe Wainer