Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police apologises to First Peoples

James Eastoe-Collins

On behalf of Victoria Police, Chief Commissioner Shane Patton APM apologised “unreservedly” to First Peoples for police actions since colonisation and continuing to the present day. In a hearing at the Yoorrook Justice Commission, the Chief Commissioner said that “as a result of systemic racism, racist attitudes and discriminatory policies of police,’ injustices had “gone undetected, unchecked and unpunished.” He … Read More

Yoorrook Commissioner Travis Lovett questions the Minister for Police about accountability for deaths in custody

James Eastoe-Collins

Since this Yoorrook hearing less than two weeks ago, another First Peoples man has died in custody in Victoria. There have now been 34 deaths in custody in Victoria since the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Each of those people was loved by their family, friends and community. They are deeply missed. During questioning by Commissioner Travis … Read More

Tony McAvoy SC questions the Minister for Police about injustices experienced by First Peoples at the hands of police

James Eastoe-Collins

Yoorrook Senior Counsel Assisting and proud Wirdi man Tony McAvoy SC questioned Victoria’s Minister for Police, the Hon. Anthony Carbines MP, in hearings this month about injustices experienced by First Peoples at the hands of police. Minister Carbines accepted that, for many Aboriginal people, their experience of policing is one in which they are the subject of racial profiling and … Read More

Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People Meena Singh speaks about the meaning of First Peoples culture

James Eastoe-Collins

Culture “wraps around you. It’s connected to family. It shapes your values, your ideals. To be Aboriginal is to know that you’re from strength, that you’re from resilience, that you’re part of the oldest cultures in the world.” Listen to Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People and Yorta Yorta woman Meena Singh speak about the importance of culture to … Read More