Submissions Library

Please be aware that some of the content on this page contains potentially offensive or controversial material. If you are affected by the content and would like support, please contact 13 YARN on 13 92 76 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Yoorrook reserves the right not to publish all or part of a submission if it considers it inappropriate to do so. By publishing a submission, Yoorrook expresses no opinion about the content or accuracy of the submission or material referred to in the submission. Submissions are not published where the person making the submission has asked that it be kept confidential.


Submission – Thomas Marks

Thomas Marks is a Wotjobaluk/Gunaikurnai man.

In this video submission, originally produced for the Disability Royal Commission, Thomas describes the lifelong impact of being part of the Stolen Generations.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Submission – Denise Sweet

Denise Sweet is a Bundjalung Gumbaynggirr woman currently on Wergaia country.

This submission is a transcript of Denise Sweet recounting her family’s experiences of injustice since colonisation.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Submission – People Count Today

Professor Murray Cree is the Managing Director of People Count Today.

This submission discusses the Human Rights obligation known as ‘throughcare’.

Size: 54.33 KB
Date: 23 March 2024

Submission – Anonymous 492

This submission is from a a Barkindji/ Yorta Yorta/ Wiradjuri/ Mutti Mutti woman.

It details her experience in the foster care system, which led to trauma, drugs and alcohol, and their subsequent positive experince and sobriety through Bunjilwarra.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Submission – Barry Jacobs

Barry Jacobs is a Jindali man who grew up in Geelong.

This submission focuses on Barry’s experiences growing up, attempts to learn about his culture, and his experiences with police and mental health system.

Size: 176.20 KB
Date: 29 February 2024

Submission – Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency (Family Violence)

The Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency (VACCA) is the Peak voice for Aboriginal children in Victoria.

This submission looks at: Aboriginal family violence in Victoria; the Victorian Government’s family violence reform agenda; the child protection system’s response to family violence; family violence service delivery; policing and legislative responses to family violence; MARAM and VACCA’s leadership in embedding a cultural lens; consistency across jurisdictions; the implementation of international treaties and declarations; the intersection of family violence and homelessness; and reform priorities.

Submission – Ezekiel Ox

In this video submission, Ezekiel Ox discusses what Jan 26 means to him, the over-policing and harassment of Indigenous communities and the importance of truth-telling to treaty.

Submission – Jarvis Atkinson

Jarvis Atkinson, a Yorta Yorta man from Shepparton, recounts how his educational experiences led to involvement with the criminal justice system. He describes overcoming addiction and now works with the First Peoples Assembly, promoting Treaty and self-determination in Victoria.

Submission – Alan Coe

Alan Coe is a proud Wiradjuri, Gadigal and Yorta Yorta man. This submission is about Mr. Coe’s life experiences, the importance of family and community, what he sees as the key issues facing our mob, and his hopes for the future.

Size: 79.45 KB
Date: 27 November 2023

Submission – Bunjilwarra Male Youth Group

Bunjilwarra Koori Youth Alcohol & Drug Healing Service is a residential rehabilitation and healing service for Aboriginal young people aged between 16 and 25 years.

The topics covered in this submission include:

  • Lack of housing
  • Racism
  • Education and truth telling
  • Stereotypes and misconceptions
  • Connection to culture, language and family
  • Fatherhood
  • The cycle of incarceration
  • Importance of Bunjilwarra
  • Sport
  • Land injustice
  • Final thoughts – recommendations for change