“White kids didn’t like me simply because I was black.”

“The issue was that they didn’t accept us for who we were. They thought we were dirty, lazy. I mean, you couldn’t get more hard working people if you tried… Our parents, our Aunties, our Uncles, our cousins, they would be gone, you know, five, six o’clock in the morning, out picking fruit, out doing the work on the orchards.”

Aunty Nellie Flagg shares with Commissioners firsthand experiences of racism at school.

Education videos

How do First Peoples students experience the Victorian education system and how could it be improved?

Yoorrook is looking into the barriers First Peoples face in accessing all levels of education, as well as the racism many still endure within the system. Now is the time to have your say by making a submission.

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Land Injustice videos

In yarns & submissions, First Peoples are telling Yoorrook about the importance of land, sky & water and the impact of colonisation. Hear what they have to say.