Injustice in the criminal justice system
The Yoorrook Justice Commission is looking into the criminal justice system as part of the truth telling process in Victoria.
For First Peoples, the criminal justice system has long been a site of systemic injustice. There is an unbroken line between the criminalisation of First Peoples’ resistance to dispossession at colonisation and the actions, laws and policies in the current criminal justice system.
On this page you will find some of the responses Yoorrook has received as part of its inquiry.
What you've told us about Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice System reports, hearings and evidence
View the reports, hearings and evidence Yoorrook collected during the investigation into the criminal justice system.
Yoorrook for justice
The report details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy failures that have, and continue to, cause harm to First Peoples. It highlights that present injustice has deep roots in the colonial foundations of the state.
The report makes landmark recommendations about self-determination for First Peoples in Victoria. First Peoples must have decision-making power, authority, control and resources in the child protection and criminal justice systems as these relate to them. The Victorian Government must uphold its commitment to self-determination through negotiation under the treaty process.

News, Stories and Videos

“Prisons are not a place where women can heal.”

Victorian Government responds to Yoorrook recommendations

Victoria Police commit to change

The roadmap to transform Victoria’s child protection and justice systems

Yoorrook for Justice: Report into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems

Recommendations: Yoorook Report into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems
Other information

Criminal Justice System submissions

Criminal Justice System Videos