Criminal Justice System

Gum leaves in focus on a possum skin cloak at the Yoorrook hearing room with the Commissioners chairs out of focus behind them
Yoorrook Commissioners presenting the Yoorrook for justice report in their hands with the Yoorrook shield behind them
Yoorrook Commissioners presenting the Yoorrook for justice report
Alan Thorpe, Dardi Munwurro, Nakia Firebrace, VACCA, Karin Williams, VACSAL, and Coree Thorpe, Dardi Munwurro
Alan Thorpe, Dardi Munwurro, Nakia Firebrace, VACCA, Karin Williams, VACSAL, and Coree Thorpe, Dardi Munwurro
Meena Singh, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People appearing at a Yoorrook hearing
Meena Singh, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson appear behind a microphone at a Yoorrook Justice Commission hearing
Aunty Geraldine Atkinson

Injustice in the criminal justice system 

The Yoorrook Justice Commission is looking into the criminal justice system as part of the truth telling process in Victoria.

For First Peoples, the criminal justice system has long been a site of systemic injustice. There is an unbroken line between the criminalisation of First Peoples’ resistance to dispossession at colonisation and the actions, laws and policies in the current criminal justice system.

On this page you will find some of the responses Yoorrook has received as part of its inquiry.

What you've told us about Criminal Justice System

What Yoorrook heard about the criminal justice system

Dr Anita MacKay is a Senior Lecturer at La Trobe Law School. This submission covers rehabilitation and restorative justice, the lack of implementation of recommendations from previous Royal Commissions, justice reinvestment, the provision of communication assistance to vulnerable First Nations defendants in criminal trials, and the prohibition of solitary confinement of children in detention.
This submission details the experiences of Briony, a 15 year old Aboriginal girl who lives in Victoria with her two parents and older sister. She has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and significant learning difficulties. Briony’s story highlights key issues with the education system and the impacts of police using personal safety intervention orders against Aboriginal children with disabilities.
Thomas Beckhurt is a proud Yorta Yorta man who was a spokesman for Kooris in custody during the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. He made this submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission to “show how Aboriginal prisoners are discriminated against and how [they] receive worse medical treatment than other prisoners.”

Criminal Justice System reports, hearings and evidence

View the reports, hearings and evidence Yoorrook collected during the investigation into the criminal justice system.

Yoorrook for justice

The report details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy failures that have, and continue to, cause harm to First Peoples. It highlights that present injustice has deep roots in the colonial foundations of the state.

The report makes landmark recommendations about self-determination for First Peoples in Victoria. First Peoples must have decision-making power, authority, control and resources in the child protection and criminal justice systems as these relate to them. The Victorian Government must uphold its commitment to self-determination through negotiation under the treaty process.


News, Stories and Videos

11 March 2025

“Prisons are not a place where women can heal.”

Djirra reports that “at least 24% of the women Djirra supported in 2023 had been misidentified as perpetrators of violence by Police. Misidentification leads to criminalisation, incarceration, and is a major contributor to the removal of our children.
Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Shane Patten, artist Uncle Mick Harding, Yoorrook Chair Eleanor Bourke, Yoorrook Deputy Chair Travis Lovett, Minister for Police Anthony Carbines MP posing with the Yoorrook shield at the Victoria Police headquarters
News & Stories
16 May 2024

Victoria Police commit to change

Victoria Police announces its commitment to 79 reforms in response to Yoorrook Justice Commission recommendations at the unveiling of the Yoorrook shield
10 October 2023

Yoorrook for Justice: Report into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems

Following a 12-month inquiry, the ‘Yoorrook for Justice: Report into Victoria’s Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems’ details extensive systemic injustice, racism, discriminatory laws and policy failures that have, and continue to, cause harm to First Peoples. The report and a full list of recommendations can be found here:

Other information