The impact of the Half-Caste Act at Lake Condah Mission

The so called Half-Caste Act had a devastating and long-lasting impact on First Peoples in Victoria. It forced families to separate and was the precursor to laws that enabled the Stolen Generations.

Braydon Saunders told Yoorrook Commissioners at Lake Condah Mission, First Peoples affected by the Act “were considered white so they were told to move into town and start work. But when they got to town they were considered black. So they were living on the outskirts of town literally.”

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Making a submission

All First Peoples who have experienced injustice in Victoria are strongly encouraged to make a submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Criminal Justice Hearing Videos

The purpose of these public hearings was to hear from Aboriginal leaders working in the area of criminal justice as part of Yoorrook’s inquiry into the harm done to First Peoples by unjust laws and practices within this system.