Uncle Colin Walker talks coming together to care for Country

“I think we’re a pretty generous people. So why can’t we get together, sit down and say ‘let’s pull together’. As one of our Elders said, ‘I always say, we don’t want to walk alone. We want to walk with you.’ And I think that’s a great saying and that’s what we should be doing – walking together, not alone.”

Watch Senior Yorta Yorta Elder Uncle Colin Walker explain the importance of coming together to care for country and preserve sacred sites.

Yoorrook is looking into the impact of colonisation on land, sky and waters. Have your say by making a submission.

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Making a submission

All First Peoples who have experienced injustice in Victoria are strongly encouraged to make a submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Criminal Justice Hearing Videos

The purpose of these public hearings was to hear from Aboriginal leaders working in the area of criminal justice as part of Yoorrook’s inquiry into the harm done to First Peoples by unjust laws and practices within this system.