Submissions Library

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Submission – Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation – Economic Prosperity

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation is a Registered Aboriginal Party, legislated under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. They are the Traditional Owners and knowledge holders of Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung cultural heritage. Their country comprises an area of over 7,000 square kilometres and covers 29 different local government areas.

This submission discusses economic justice for the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people. It includes sections on:

  • Land and water management
  • Tourism
  • Case studies into Nangenala Cultural Centre and Coranderrk Station
  • Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung culture and entrepreneurship
  • Funding
  • Strength-based Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung economic participation
  • Cultural heritage management
Size: 2.49 MB
Date: 28 June 2024

Submission – Ngaweeyan Maar-oo

Ngaweeyan Maar-oo, meaning “Voice of and from the people” in Gunditjmara dialect, is the Victorian Government’s implementation partner and shared-decision making body under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement).

This submission aims to build on and further explore the issues raised in the verbal testimony of the Ngaweeyan Maar-oo co-chairs and Executive Director. In particular, this submission:

  • provides an overview and stocktake of the National Closing the Gap Agreement
  • provides direction to the Victorian Government on next steps in activating the Productivity Commission Review into the National Closing the Gap Agreement recommendations
  • makes further recommendations to draw on the Victorian experiences and challenges implementing the National Agreement
  • coordinates a statewide collective position on behalf of the Ngaweeyan Maar-oo memberships individual recommendations made through their submissions to Yoorrook Justice Commission

Submission – Kinaway Chamber of Commerce

Kinaway is from the Gunnai language, meaning ‘exchange’. Kinaway Chamber of Commerce is the legislated body responsible for certifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across Victoria.

This submission is an overview that responds to many of the economic disparities highlighted in the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s findings and underscores the pivotal strategies from the “Yuma Yirramboi – Invest in Tomorrow – Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy,” which align with Kinaway’s objectives to enhance Aboriginal employment and economic outcomes.

Size: 560.82 KB
Date: 25 June 2024

Submission – Campaspe/Loddon Aboriginal Communities

This submission from Campaspe/Loddon Aboriginal Communities outlines concerns about the transition away from IFVRAGs (Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Groups) under the implementation of Dhelk Dja action plan. It raises questions about equity, non-Aboriginal decision-makers, and the need for Aboriginal self-determination.

Size: 93.83 KB
Date: 4 June 2024

Submission – Self Determination Fund

Established by the democratically elected members of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, the Self-Determination Fund is vehicle for economic prosperity and to advance the full dimensions of Self-Determination.

This submission outlines that:

  • The Self-Determination Fund represents innovative good practice, and a fit-for-purpose model that must be expanded upon in its capacity and purpose to improve economic outcomes and experiences of all First Peoples in Victoria.
  • Systemic barriers and consequences of systemic injustice faced by First Peoples have precluded participation in the Victorian economy.
  • The Self-Determination Fund is a vehicle that through Statewide Treaty negotiations, other redress and through partnerships with other agencies, including the Government, has the capacity to improve economic outcomes and end systematic economic injustice for First Peoples in Victoria.
Size: 1.01 MB
Date: 21 May 2024

Submission – Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (Economic Prosperity)

DJAARA is a representative body for Dja Dja Wurrung People.

This submisison responds to a number of questions about historic and contemporary economic prosperity issues facing First Peoples and offers a range of examples and reccomendations.

Size: 1.28 MB
Date: 21 May 2024

Submission – First Peoples Assembly – Economic Prosperity

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body that represents First Peoples in Victoria in the state’s Treaty process.

This submission responds to Yoorrook’s issues paper on economic prosperity and covers various aspects, including:

  • Economic dimensions of self-determination
  • Economic barriers faced by First Peoples
  • Lessons from other jurisdictions
  • Structural reform through Treaty
  • The Self-Determination Fund
Size: 2.21 MB
Date: 20 May 2024

Submission – Gregory Phillips

Professor Gregory Phillips, PhD, is a Waanyi and Jaru man with an extensive lived experience in Aboriginal families and communities in Australia and globally with other Indigenous peoples.

This submission draws from his expertise and covers the following topics:

  • Health: Key evidence linking racism as a public health issue to closing the gap
  • Healing: Key elements, principles and socio-political and economic issues
  • Truth, Justice and Healing (THJ) Project: The outcomes of Ebony Institute’s research
Size: 218.30 KB
Date: 8 May 2024

Submission – Lionel Dukakis

Lionel Dukakis is a Proud Gunditjmara Man and Managing Director of Indigenous Affairs First Nations Traffic Management & First Nations Labour Hire Pty Ltd.

This submission outlines Lionel’s experiences as a member of the Stolen Generation and in creating change through employment and empowerment of Mob.

Size: 139.89 KB
Date: 4 May 2024

Submission – Professor Andrew Gunstone

Andrew Gunstone currently holds the positions of Professor, Indigenous Studies and Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Reconciliation, at Federation University, where he established and leads the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice. He is also Co-Chair, Reconciliation Victoria. He is an international expert in academic, industry, and community engagements and understandings of reconciliation. Professor Gunstone and Associate Professor Sadie Heckenberg co-authored the first book on Stolen Wages in Victoria, ‘The Government Owes a Lot of Money to Our People’: A History of Indigenous Stolen Wages in Victoria”.

Size: 30.46 MB
Date: 1 May 2024