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Yoorrook reserves the right not to publish all or part of a submission if it considers it inappropriate to do so. By publishing a submission, Yoorrook expresses no opinion about the content or accuracy of the submission or material referred to in the submission. Submissions are not published where the person making the submission has asked that it be kept confidential.


Submission – Anonymous 985

This submission discusses moving from their ancestral country seeking acceptance but facing racism. Despite efforts to assimilate, they endured discrimination from people who hated their existence. They now work at a university, fighting to have people handling big projects achieve their social procurement targets. They advocate for investigating social procurement numbers provided by universities.

Size: 59.05 KB
Date: 14 October 2024

Submission – Aunty Eilen Alberts

Aunty Eileen Maude Alberts is a Gilgar Gunditj woman. This submission is a transcript where she discusses her and her family’s life.

Size: 351.69 KB
Date: 11 October 2024

Submission – Vicky Grosser

In this submission, a fourth-generation white Australian woman reflects on her family history, her privilege, her journey towards understanding Aboriginal history and culture, and how we can move away from current colonial structures and communities through education and building relationships.

Size: 50.59 KB
Date: 5 October 2024

Submission – Duncan Rouch

This submission from Duncan Rouch addresses key issues related to homelessness of Aboriginal people, including the number of Aboriginal households on the Victorian Housing Register, the number and nature of Indigenous homelessness, and the chronic underfunding of Aboriginal Housing Victoria. It also offers recommendations for improvement.

Size: 978.90 KB
Date: 3 October 2024

Submission – Anonymous 984

This submission reflects on the Voice to Parliament referendum, highlighting the strength of Mob in the face of the ‘No Vote’ and the toll it has taken on community.

Size: 59.17 KB
Date: 2 October 2024

Submission – Leanne Edwards

In this submission, Leanne Edwards Kodga, of Lake Tyers, discusses the handback of the Lake Tyers mission as freehold title land in 1970-71, how they thought things would change from the missionary days to self-determination, and how the opposite has occurred.

Size: 195.65 KB
Date: 1 October 2024

Submission – Amber Briggs

Amber Briggs is a Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba woman.

In this submission, Amber reflects on her life story, including instances of racism and discrimination in the education system, family violence, mental health issues, and the mental health system, as well as her family history. She also discusses the importance of connecting with and being around other mob for healing.

Size: 177.13 KB
Date: 1 October 2024

Submission – Cristie

Cristie is a Gunai Kurnai woman and single mother who pursued a career in social emotional and wellbeing services. In her work to strengthen Aboriginal culture, ‘keeping our culture strong through health,’ she followed policies and regulations to raise concerns, which ultimately resulted in her being blackballed by non-Indigenous colleagues.

Size: 52.99 KB
Date: 25 September 2024

Submission – Bonneville Chew

This submission from Bonneville Chew details their experience and the trauma incurred attending Cottage by the Sea in Queenscliff as a 7-year-old Aboriginal child in the 1980s

Size: 56.69 KB
Date: 23 September 2024