Submissions Library

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Submission – Ngaweeyan Maar-oo

Ngaweeyan Maar-oo, meaning “Voice of and from the people” in Gunditjmara dialect, is the Victorian Government’s implementation partner and shared-decision making body under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement).

This submission aims to build on and further explore the issues raised in the verbal testimony of the Ngaweeyan Maar-oo co-chairs and Executive Director. In particular, this submission:

  • provides an overview and stocktake of the National Closing the Gap Agreement
  • provides direction to the Victorian Government on next steps in activating the Productivity Commission Review into the National Closing the Gap Agreement recommendations
  • makes further recommendations to draw on the Victorian experiences and challenges implementing the National Agreement
  • coordinates a statewide collective position on behalf of the Ngaweeyan Maar-oo memberships individual recommendations made through their submissions to Yoorrook Justice Commission

Submission – Anonymous 570

This submission highlights the challenges faced by Aboriginal peoples in accessing, purchasing and fixing housing.

Size: 67.71 KB
Date: 29 April 2024

Submission – Aboriginal Justice Caucus – Health, Housing and Education

The Aboriginal Justice Caucus is made up of all the Aboriginal signatories to the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement and includes Chairpersons of each of the nine Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees, representatives from statewide Aboriginal justice programs, Aboriginal peak bodies and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. The Aboriginal Justice Caucus provides statewide representation and leadership to amplify Community voices in all areas relating to justice.

This submission focuses on systemic injustice in the health, housing and education systems, including:

  • Foundational systemic issues hindering progress towards self-determination
  • Systemic injustice in relation to health and custodial healthcare
  • Systemic injustice in relation to housing and homelessness
  • Systemic injustice in relation to education and schools
Size: 8.44 MB
Date: 23 April 2024

Submission – Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum

The Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum comprises thirty-eight Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, Traditional Owner groups and Aboriginal Trusts who are either delivering housing and homelessness services in Victoria or who are interested in becoming registered housing providers.

This submission looks at: how to arrest the crisis; how the housing system can support and strengthen community and culture; and preparing for treaty.

Size: 2.43 MB
Date: 10 April 2024

Submission – Ryley Page

Ryley Page is a Mununjali and Badtjala man. In this video submission, Ryley discusses education, self-determination, health and housing and what it’s like to be Aboriginal in Victoria.

Submission – Denise Sweet

Denise Sweet is a Bundjalung Gumbaynggirr woman currently on Wergaia country.

This submission is a transcript of Denise Sweet recounting her family’s experiences of injustice since colonisation.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Submission – Elias Jarvis

In this video submission, Elias Jarvis, a proud Djab Wurrung and Kirrae Wurrung man, discusses the bittersweet experience of being an Aboriginal person in Victoria, the impact of land loss on culture and intergenerational wealth, what self-determination looks like, and the challenges for Aboriginal people in accessing affordable and appropriate housing.

Submission – Djaran Murray-Jackson

Djaran Murray-Jackson is the reserved seat holder representing Dja Dja Wurrung on the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria. He has strong connections to Wamba Wamba, Yorta Yorta, Dhudhuroa, Waywurru, Barapa Barapa, Wergaia and Wiradjuri.

In this video submission, Djaran discusses his experiences as an Aboriginal person in Victoria, his hopes for more Aboriginal culture taught in schools, what self-determination looks like, and the challenges faced by Aboriginal people in housing.

Date: 5 April 2024

Submission – Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (Housing and Homelessness)

The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation with 50 years of experience providing culturally safe legal and community justice services to First Peoples across Victoria.

This submission looks at: governance, oversight and accountability; Aboriginal housing and homelessness; overarching issues impacting culturally safe, adequate and secure housing for Aboriginal peoples; positive approaches demonstrating good practice, innovative approaches to improve housing and homelessness experiences; and a self-determined approach to addressing housing and homelessness.

Size: 2.76 MB
Date: 12 March 2024

Submission – First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria (Education, Health and Housing)

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body that represents First Peoples in Victoria in the state’s Treaty process.

This submission:

  • provides an overview of the Assembly and the Treaty process
  • outlines the inherent rights of First Peoples
  • acknowledges the important role of knowledge holders
  • identifies the structural reform that is needed through Treaty
  • addresses reforms in the education system
  • addresses reforms in the health system
  • addresses reforms in the housing and homelessness system
Size: 827.43 KB
Date: 5 March 2024