Submissions Library

Please be aware that some of the content on this page contains potentially offensive or controversial material. If you are affected by the content and would like support, please contact 13 YARN on 13 92 76 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Yoorrook reserves the right not to publish all or part of a submission if it considers it inappropriate to do so. By publishing a submission, Yoorrook expresses no opinion about the content or accuracy of the submission or material referred to in the submission. Submissions are not published where the person making the submission has asked that it be kept confidential.


Submission – Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation

Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (GMTOAC) is a Registered Native Title Body Corporate under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and a Registered Aboriginal Party under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic). Through GMTOAC, Gunditjmara people ensure that cultural obligations and responsibilities which arise from Gunditjmara country and under Gunditjmara law, custom and beliefs are upheld and recognised for the protection and benefit of their traditional lands and waters and for their respect to their Gunditjmara ancestors and for their Elders.

This submission is a a slide deck of a presentation on the cumulative impacts of energy infrastructure on Gunditjmara Country since the Alcoa vs Onus case.

Size: 4.06 MB
Date: 3 July 2024

Submission – Taungurung Land & Waters Council – Land Injustice

Taungurung Land & Waters Council (TLaWC) is a Registered Aboriginal Party that represents the interests of the Taungurung people.

This submission discusses the Taungurung experience of land injustice. It provides a picture of pre-contact Taungurung society, details the impacts of invasion and provides thoughts for Yoorrook considerations looking forward.

Size: 312.96 KB
Date: 27 May 2024

Submission – Ed Wensing

Dr Wensing has worked extensively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities around Australia on a wide range of matters including native title, statutory land rights, natural and cultural heritage protection and management, land use planning (statutory and strategic), environmental planning and natural resource management.

This submission provides Dr Wensing’s perspectives on the impact that colonisation and the enduring contemporary land use policy and planning landscape are continuing to have on First Peoples ability to exercise their connections to, and responsibilities for, Country under their law/lore and custom, and on their rights to self-determination and to free, prior and informed consent about matters that affect them and their connections to and responsibilities for Country.

Size: 879.12 KB
Date: 15 May 2024

Submission – Taungurung Land & Waters Council – Land, sky and waters hearing response

Taungurung Land & Waters Council (TLaWC) was registered on 16 July 2009 as the Registered Aboriginal Party that represents the interests of the Taungurung people.

This submission responds to issues which have arisen in the course of the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s hearings into land, sky and waters including:

  • Difficulties faced in the implementation of TLaWC existing Land Use Activity Agreement
  • Hancock Victorian Plantations (HVP) lack of engagement with TLaWC and other First Peoples
Size: 119.83 KB
Date: 7 May 2024

Submission – Suzanne Coates

Suzanne Coates is a Yorta Yorta Wemba Wemba woman.

This submission outlines how identity is linked to lands and what needs to change to make a a welcoming home for all.

Size: 68.23 KB
Date: 4 May 2024

Submission – Kirrae Clarke

Kirrae Clarke is a Kirrae woman.

This submission discusses country, being Aboriginal in Victoria, self-determination and how to improve the Victorian education system for First Peoples.

Size: 366.43 KB
Date: 3 May 2024

Submission – Anglican Church, Victorian Dioceses

This submission was prepared by the Anglican Dioceses of Melbourne, Bendigo Wangaratta and Gippsland in response to a RFI made by the Yoorrook Justice Commission ahead of representatives from the Anglican Church appearing at a Yoorrook hearing.

Size: 300.06 KB
Date: 1 May 2024

Submission – Franklin Jockel

Franklin Jockel is a non-Indigenous Australian who objects to separate laws for separate peoples.

Please be aware that this submission contains sensitive material.

Size: 61.02 KB
Date: 29 April 2024

Submission – Anonymous 570

This submission highlights the challenges faced by Aboriginal peoples in accessing, purchasing and fixing housing.

Size: 67.71 KB
Date: 29 April 2024

Submission – Anonymous 559

This submission discusses the importance of country.

Size: 59.49 KB
Date: 23 April 2024