Submissions Library
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Submission – Charmaine Sellings
Charmaine Sellings lives in Lake Tyres and works at the Lake Tyres Aboriginal Trust. Her grandfather was stolen generation from Healesville but was raised by Elders at the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust, and her Grandmother was a Kurnai woman and born at the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust.
This submission describes the impact of ongoing racism, child removal and intergenerational trauma. It make suggestions for change including an increase in funding and respect.
Submission – Aunt Jennifer Beer
Aunty Jenni Beer is a Wutjubulak woman and speaker of Wergaia.
This submission describes Aunty Jenni’s walk between two worlds, experiences growing up, and her journey to revive and reclaim the Wergaia language.
Submission – Aunty Carolyn Briggs
Aunty Carolyn Briggs is a Boonwurrung elder from Victoria. She is an expert in language and linguistics, and is recognised as a keeper of the history and genealogies of her people.
This submission is a transcript of Aunty Carolyn Briggs discussing her work in education, activism, government and commissions, language, fighting for justice, power and pride.
Submission – Aunty Daphne Milward
Aunty Daphne Milward is a Yorta Yorta and Wiradjuri woman.
This submission tells the story of Aunty Daphne’s life including her education, working life, involvement with the Aboriginal Advancement League, insights from being a prison visitor, and the interconnectedness of community.
Submission – Claudette & Johnny Lovett
Uncle Johnny Lovett is a proud Gunditjmara and Boandik man. Claudette Lovett is a proud Gunditjmara woman.
This submission records their reflections and concerns regarding the injustices Aboriginal people have experienced since white settlement and an acknowledgement that this injustice continues today.
Submission – Aunty Annebelle Nikkelson
Aunty Annebelle Nikkelson’s submission is a painting about her journey “back to her home after many, many years of abuse and disconnection from mob.”
Submission – Aunty Diane Kerr
Aunty Di Kerr is an Elder of the Wurundjeri people.
This submission describes Aunty Di’s story, including the importance of ceremony and her role in reviving coming of age and naming ceremonies. It also details Aunty Di’s experience as a foster carer, her work with kids in out of home care, and with Link Up.